March 17th, 2020

Workers Affected by COVID-19

Brothers and Sisters, in these extraordinary times there has been a constant and consistent flow of calls requesting information and direction. To this point, we have put together a FAQ list and will be providing updates periodically in an effort to inform you and help guide you through your next steps. Below are 2 links, the first will bring you to EDD's website and allow you to file an unemployment insurance claim. The second, is a link to San Mateo County’s Health web site. Additionally, we have implemented a mass e-mail and texting campaign. Alerts will be sent informing you that new information has been posted. It is imperative that your information be current and accurate.

Unemployment Insurance Claim:

San Mateo County’s Health site:



Questions and answers you may have regarding your employment during the COVID-19 San Mateo County shut down.

1) Q: What number can I call for medical health advise.

A:   Local 467’s 24/7 Health Advice Phone Numbers:

Kaiser Permanente

(866) 454-8855

Anthem Blue Cross

(866) 670-1565

2)Q: Is my employment considered an essential service?

A: At this time UA Local 467 is recommending all members and contractors follow the Shelter in Place Order that was put into effect as of 12:01 am on 3-17-20 by the County of San Mateo. smchealth.org/coronavirus

3)  Q: Do I need to be laid off and sign the UA Local 467 " Out Of Work List “to apply for unemployment benefits with the state of California?

A: At this time being laid off from your current contractor is not required to apply for unemployment benefits through the state of California. Please see the attached link to more information regarding applying for unemployment benefits due to reduced employment hours due to COVID - 19  https://www.edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019.htm
Reduced Work Hours

If your employer has reduced your hours or shut down operations due to COVID-19, you can file an Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim. UI provides partial wage replacement benefit payments to workers who lose their job or have their hours reduced, through no fault of their own. Workers who are temporarily unemployed due to COVID-19 and expected to return to work with their employer within a few weeks are not required to actively seek work each week. However, they must remain able and available and ready to work during their unemployment for each week of benefits claimed and meet all other eligibility criteria. Eligible individuals can receive benefits that range from $40-$450 per week.

TheGovernor’s Executive Orderwaives the one-week unpaid waiting period, so you can collect UI benefits for the first week you are out of work. If you are eligible, the EDD processes and issues payments within a few weeks of receiving a claim.

4) Q: Are my health benefits “bank of hours” drawn down during my period of unemployment?

A: Yes, the necessary hours to provide benefits are drawn down each month.

*Attention all UA Local 467 members. At this time UA Local 467 is not requiring members to sign the out of work list in order to return to their current contractor. However, if you would like to be notified of current and upcoming employment opportunities through UA Local 467 you will be required to contact the employment office at (650) 692-4730 or by emailing either Scott Beale or Eric Tassio. Do not report in person to UA Local 467 employment office as we are closed. The UA Local 467 office staff will be working remotely and will make every attempt to continue “business as usual”. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call.

For HVAC/R questions, please email Scott Beale at Sbeale@ualocal467

For Plumbing, Welding and Pipe-fitting questions, please email  Eric Tassio at eric@ualocal467.org 

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